Meng Lin

Tech advocate of good engineering practices and new technologies

Upgrade SVN on Centos

After searching through the web, I managed to find bits and pieces about upgrading subversion from 1.6 to 1.7 on CentOS. Unfortunately, it is like unraveling a puzzle, every blog starts from a slightly different angle and came across different blocks. I was strapped in perpetual trying and failing because...

Setup PostgreSQL on PC

After few years working on MSSQL, I almost forgot there are still a whole world of databases out there to be explored, and a lot of which are free and lightweight, such as SQLite, PostgreSQL. Long story short, I cracked on setting up a PostgreSQL as it is work-related, and...

SVN vs TFS sv Git

Despite the real world benefit like being able to review and rollback, I believe being able to grow and evolve with your code is one the reasons why version control is such an essential part in software development. What have we got across the board? In the beginning, there is...

Add Watermark to PDFs using iTextSharp

Being able to add text or image watermark to PDF files is one of those handy things you can archive via program. The only library required for the little program is iTextSharp. For those who haven’t used it yet, iTextSharp is a C# version of iText, which allows you to...

Setup FTP Server and Consume It Programmatically

Setup a FTP server on Windows Server 2008 R2 Open Server Manager, and add new Role to it. Add new role into server manager In Add Roles Wizard, tick Web Server (IIS). Enable IIS on the server In Role Services, tick everything under FTP Server section. Follow the wizard to...